Is A Design And Build Construction Contractor Right For Your Project?

Construction & Contractors Blog

A design and build construction contractor is a professional who offers a more unified version of the process. They can help you devise the design for a project and then put it into action. You might wonder whether this approach is right for your project when compared to the traditional process of breaking up these functions. Here is how to tell if your plans fit this model of design and construction work.

1 February 2023

3 Top Reasons Why It's Imperative To Invest In A Video Sewer Inspection

Construction & Contractors Blog

As a homeowner, you should inspect every system in your home to ensure it's in good condition. However, you may sometimes focus more on other things and forget about your sewer line, mainly because it is underground. This is not wise because it might get damaged when you least expect it, leading to health and safety risks. For example, your sewer line might clog or crack, causing wastewater to back up in your toilet and yard.

18 January 2023

6 Risks To Assess With A Land Survey

Construction & Contractors Blog

Land surveying is a useful tool for assessing the risks on a property. Many parties have an interest in knowing the risks of a piece of land, including owners, buyers, financing companies, insurers, and government agencies. You can assess these six risks with a survey. Subsidence or Uplift  The ground can move up or down much faster than you might expect, even in one lifetime. Heavy loads can compact the soil, an especially common problem several years after the construction of a new building.

5 January 2023